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A member registered Dec 09, 2016

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what are all the secret weapons and codes

what are all the secret weapons and codes

what are all the secret weapons and codes

just set it on fastest m8

jump and press f

(1 edit)

I like the game already but maybe you could make a system were you can give your gun a couple attachments like a better scope or a silencer. you can also make multiplayer, king of the hill or some kind of campaign. another not so important suggestion, make a system were you need to get in game money by killing a bot were you get like 10 coins and with 200 coins a attachment for the ak-47 and so on.

please do this I would love to see some kind of things in the game.

PS in the farm like base with the tractor is a glitch if you go up the little sniper place were the enemies go by you fell true Te top layer.